Friday, December 11, 2009

Staying Late At Work Has Benefits

Many people who work in a business don't realize the amount of decisions that get made after-hours. Once the 5 o'clock bell sounds and the office clears out, the executives relax. They don't leave, they relax. Discussions almost always take place before they depart and rarely are the discussions about personal issues. They're about business and are usually more strategic than discussions that take place during normal working ours. Many times decisions about the future get made.

By- Ben Paramore-Beyond Beans

If you're interested in being a bigger strategic contributor, you've got to find a way to work yourself into these after-hours talks. You'll not only learn what decisions get made before the masses, but you'll learn how and why they are made, which doesn't always get communicated down. And better yet, you'll get to contribute to the strategic direction of the company.

The other benefit to being involved in these after-hours talks is that you get to know how your CEO thinks, what drives him/her, and what his/her future vision looks like -- unlike you would from formal corporate communications. Also, you get to show the CEO how you think, what ideas you have, and what you're made of. But just being there causes you to be seen as part of the executive team.

These talks are unknown by the uninitiated who bolt out of the door at 5 o'clock everyday. Stick around. Don't miss this great opportunity to enhance your career.
For more information please click here

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